Summer on the deserts is always hot, but on the coastal slope the summer of 2024 was relatively mild. At least that was the case until early September when the first real heat wave of the season arrived. Up to that point, the county had been left largely unscathed by wildfires, but things were about to change dramatically.
Birds of the Season—July 2024
Hanna Hayman
On July 15, 2013, our beloved volunteer, Hanna Hayman passed away.
For nearly 10 years, Hanna volunteered weekly at Audubon House in Plummer Park, the headquarters and bookstore of Los Angeles Audubon Society. Hanna assisted the staff and other volunteers by greeting visitors to Audubon House, proofreading submissions to the WESTERN TANAGER and helping with mailings to our membership.
Western Tanager, May—June 2024, Vol. 90 No. 5
May-June 2024 Bird Walks
Birds of the Season — May 2024
It surely can’t be said that the spring of 2024 was an uneventful one. This season is generally thought of as a comparatively slow time for vagrants, but this year seemed determined to turn that idea on its head. There were a few of our more expected rarities, but some red-letter birds as well, including two first Los Angeles County records. In addition, lingering wintering rarities continued to be reported, though by early May most of these had moved on.
Western Tanager March–April 2024, Vol. 90 No.4
BOTS — March 2024
Lancaster CBC Analysis Over the Last 45 Years and Beyond
For 2023, we tallied a total of 16,177 (16.2K) birds. Sounds like a lot! It isn’t especially in light of Count history. After excluding one anomalous** year, the adjusted Overall Count Avg is (33.0K/yr); that’s right, we’ve lost more than half (50.9%) of our birds in the Antelope Valley over the last 45 years, compared to our adjusted Count Average!
REGISTRATION BEGINS: Dancing Chicken Weekend Field Trip—April 2024
Dancing Chicken Weekend Field Trip
31st Annual Trip to view the Greater Sage Grouse in the Eastern Sierra Nevada, Owens Valley and Round Valley
April 26–28, 2024, Friday through Sunday
$60 per person for the entire weekend
Limit of 12 participants, 8 cars allowed (NOTE: As of Wed. Feb. 14, 5 slots are listed as interested with their checks in the mail.)
For information on how to register, call Susan at (323) 876-0202 (Voice) or e-Mail