Rare Bird Alert - March 9, 2025


Inca Dove | White-winged Dove | Pacific Golden-Plover | Lesser Black-backed Gull | Red-throated Loon | Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Dusky-capped Flycatcher | Tropical Kingbird | THICK-BILLED KINGBIRD | Least Flycatcher | Grasshopper Sparrow | Lark Bunting | Clay-colored Sparrow | Dark-eyed “Pink-sided” Junco | Green-tailed Towhee | Black-and-white Warbler | Cape May Warbler | Northern Parula | Palm Warbler | Pine Warbler | Black-throated Green Warbler | Painted Redstart | Hepatic Tanager | Lazuli Bunting

This is the Los Angeles Rare Bird Alert for March 9, 2024.

Up to five INCA DOVES were in Lake Los Angeles from March 1-4 by the intersection of Sweetaire and 168th Street East.

A WHITE-WINGED DOVE was in Whittier on March 1.

Another WHITE-WINGED DOVE continued at Helen Keller Park in Los Angeles through February 28.

The PACIFIC GOLDEN-PLOVER continued along lower Ballona Creek (upstream from Pacific Ave.) and also on the adjacent salt pan through March 6.

A LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULLS were along the Los Angeles River between the Atlantic and Slauson crossings through March 8 and at Dockweiler State Beach on March 4.

A RED-THROATED LOON was at Don Knabe Community Regional Park in Cerritos from March 7-8.

A YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER continued at O’Melveny Park in Granada Hills through March 8 along the stream.

The DUSKY-CAPPED FLYCATCHER at Vincent Lugo Park in San Gabriel continued through March 8, often near the middle of the park.

At least one TROPICAL KINGBIRD continued along the Los Angeles River below Willow Street in Long Beach through March 7.

The THICK-BILLED KINGBIRD in Griffith Park continued through March 8, generally in this area 34.1408, -118.2888 (Google Maps). 

A LEAST FLYCATCHER continued at Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area through March 2 by the Japanese Garden.

Two LARK BUNTINGS were in the Antelope Valley on March 5 here 34.7108, -118.3505 and here 34.7253, -118.3465.

Up to two CLAY-COLORED SPARROWS were at Madrona Marsh in Torrance through March 8.  A BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER continued there through March 8 and a GRASSHOPPER SPARROW was reported through March 6.

A DARK-EYED “PINK-SIDED” JUNCO continued in the Sailboat Cove area of Bonelli Regional Park in San Dimas through March 3.

A GREEN-TAILED TOWHEE continued at the West San Gabriel River Parkway Nature Trail in Lakewood through March 7.

A NORTHERN PARULA was at the South Coast Botanic Garden in Palos Verdes Estates from March 3-8 in coral trees by the entrance.

The CAPE MAY WARBLER at Loyola Marymount University continued through March 8.  Google Maps 33.9687, -118.4168.

A PALM WARBLER continued at Drake Park and Greenbelt in Long Beach through March 2.

A PINE WARBLER continued at Windermere Park in La Mirada through March 5 in pines along the south side of Jesus Community Park.

A BLACK-THROATED GREEN WARBLER continued at Vincent Lugo Park in San Gabriel through March 8. 

The PAINTED REDSTART at San Dimas Canyon Park continued by the restrooms on the east side through March 8.

A HEPATIC TANAGER continued in Griffith Park along the Mineral Wells Trail through March 2.

Another HEPATIC TANAGER was at La Mirada Community Regional Park through March 2 by the disc golf course.

A LAZULI BUNTING continued at Victory Park in Pasadena through March 3.


For all events, field trips and announcements, please see our website at http://www.laaudubon.org

California Bird Records Committee (report rarities as appropriate on the rare bird report form):  http://www.californiabirds.org/

 Enter your bird sightings on eBird:  http://ebird.org/content/ebird