Rare Bird Alert - January 20, 2023


White-winged Dove | Sandhill Crane | American Oystercatcher | Pacific Golden-Plover | Lesser Black-backed Gull | Neotropic Cormorant | Yellow-crowned Night-Heron | Zone-tailed Hawk | Dusky-capped Flycatcher | Tropical Kingbird | Western Kingbird | Hammond’s Flycatcher | Eastern Phoebe | SEDGE WREN | Clay-colored Sparrow | Dark-eyed “Pink-sided” Junco | Dark-eyed “Gray-headed” Junco | White-throated Sparrow | Swamp Sparrow | Green-tailed Towhee | Baltimore Oriole | Black-and-white Warbler | Tennessee Warbler | Nashville Warbler | Cape May Warbler | Palm Warbler | Painted Redstart | Summer Tanager

This is the Los Angeles Rare Bird Alert for January 20, 2023. 

One to two WHITE-WINGED DOVES were just west of Encanto Parkway in Duarte from January 15-19 near the intersection of Sagehurst Drive and Conata Street.

The SANDHILL CRANE at the Rio Hondo Spreading Grounds in Pico Rivera continued through January 18.  Enter at Mines Ave. and Paramount Blvd. and check the various basins for the bird.  It has also been seen at the San Gabriel Coastal Basin Spreading Grounds at the opposite end of Mines Ave. along the San Gabriel River.

An AMERICAN OYSTERCATCHER continued at the middle breakwater in the Los Angeles Harbor through January 15. 

The PACIFIC GOLDEN-PLOVER continued along lower Ballona Creek through January 15.  It has been on the salt pan and along the creek channel, sometimes near the UCLA boat ramp.

Up to four LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULLS were just below the spillway at the south end of Peck Road Water Conservation Park in Arcadia from January 14-19.

Another LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL was at the Rio Hondo Spreading Grounds in Pico Rivera on January 18.  Enter at Mines Ave. and Paramount Blvd.

NEOTROPIC CORMORANTS were at the Sepulveda Basin along the Los Angeles River below Burbank Blvd. on January 14, at the San Gabriel Coastal Basin Spreading Grounds in Pico Rivera (two birds) on January 15 and at Legg Lake in South El Monte through January 18.

Up to eighteen YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS were at Burton Chace County Park in Marina Del Rey on January 16.

ZONE-TAILED HAWKS were seen at the Livingston-Graham gravel pits in Arcadia, in Glendora on January 16 and at Bonelli Regional Park in San Dimas on January 19.

A DUSKY-CAPPED FLYCATCHER continued at Peck Park in San Pedro through January 14.  It has been in the southwest area of the park.

Another DUSKY-CAPPED FLYCATCHER was along the Los Angeles River near Lake Balboa from January 16-17.  It was at the south end of the riparian strip bordering the west side of the golf course.  Google Earth 34.1775, -118.4925

A TROPICAL KINGBIRD continued below the Willow Street crossing along the Los Angeles River in Long Beach through January 13.

A WESTERN KINGBIRD continued at Madrona Marsh in Torrance through January 12.

A HAMMOND’S FLYCATCHER continued by the small north shore pond at Bonelli Regional Park through January 19.  Also in this area and along the north shore were a continuing BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER, at least two SWAMP SPARROWS, and a couple of WHITE-THROATED SPARROWS.

Another HAMMOND’S FLYCATCHER continued on the UCLA campus through January 15.

EASTERN PHOEBES were at Malibu Creek State Park on January 15 and continuing at Scherer Park in Long Beach through January 18.

The SEDGE WREN continued at the Piute Ponds on Edwards AFB (letter of permission required) through January 19 on the east side of Duckbill Lake.

A CLAY-COLORED SPARROW was at Pierce Brothers Cemetery in Westlake Village on January 15.

A DARK-EYED “PINK-SIDED” JUNCO continued at Bonelli Regional Park in San Dimas in the Sailboat Cove area through January 16.

A DARK-EYED “GRAY-HEADED” JUNCO was at Satellite Park in Cerritos on January 19.

A GREEN-TAILED TOWHEE continued at the West San Gabriel River Parkway Nature Trail in Lakewood through January 15. 

A BALTIMORE ORIOLE continued at the San Gabriel Coastal Basin Spreading Grounds through January 15.  Google Earth 33.9938, -118.0758

A TENNESSEE WARBLER was at Colorado Lagoon in Long Beach on January 12.

A NASHVILLE WARBLER continued at Entradero Park in Torrance through January 16.

The CAPE MAY WARBLER at Loyola Marymount University continued through January 19 in the area outside the Art Gallery.  Google Earth 33.9687, -118.4167.

A PALM WARBLER continued at Avila Park in Long Beach (along the Los Angeles River below Willow Street) through January 16.

The PAINTED REDSTART south of Birdcage Park in Long Beach at 3946 Hackett Ave. was reported through January 18.

Another PAINTED REDSTART continued by 1018 Wellesley Ave. near Brentwood through January 16.

SUMMER TANAGERS were in Chavez Ravine in Elysian Park on January 13 and in Culver City through January 15.


For all events, field trips and announcements, please see our website at http://www.laaudubon.org

California Bird Records Committee (report rarities as appropriate on the rare bird report form):  http://www.californiabirds.org/

 Enter your bird sightings on eBird:  http://ebird.org/content/ebird