Rare Bird Alert - October 14, 2022


Common Ground-Dove | American Oystercatcher | Pacific Golden-Plover | Franklin’s Gull | Lesser Black-backed Gull | Nazca Booby | Brown Booby | Neotropic Cormorant | Yellow-crowned Night-Heron | Broad-winged Hawk | Tropical Kingbird | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher | Chestnut-collared Longspur | Grasshopper Sparrow | Black-throated Sparrow | Clay-colored Sparrow | Dark-eyed “Gray-headed” Junco | White-throated Sparrow | Swamp Sparrow | Green-tailed Towhee | Northern Waterthrush | Black-and-white Warbler | Tennessee Warbler | Lucy’s Warbler | Connecticut Warbler | Mourning Warbler | American Redstart | Magnolia Warbler | Blackburnian Warbler | Chestnut-sided Warbler | Blackpoll Warbler | Palm Warbler | Pine Warbler | Prairie Warbler | Painted Redstart | Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Dickcissel

This is the Los Angeles Rare Bird Alert for 14 October 2022.

A COMMON GROUND-DOVE was at the Dominguez Gap Wetlands along the Los Angeles River in Long Beach on October 6.

Two AMERICAN OYSTERCATCHERS were seen at the Los Angeles Harbor on October 8.

The PACIFIC GOLDEN-PLOVER along lower Ballona Creek continued above the Pacific Ave. bridge through October 12.

A FRANKLIN’S GULL was off Palos Verdes on October 8.

A LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL continued along the lower Los Angeles River through October 7 just above the Willow Street crossing.  Another LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL was along the river between the Atlantic and Slauson crossings in Maywood on October 12.

A NAZCA BOOBY was southeast of Santa Catalina Island and a BROWN BOOBY was also in this area on October 9.

NEOTROPIC CORMORANTS were at Santa Fe Dam in Irwindale from October 6-7 and at the Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Reserve through October 10.

Up to four YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS continued at Ballona Lagoon in Marina del Rey through October 13.

A BROAD-WINGED HAWK was at Sycamore Grove Park in Mt. Washington on October 9.

A SCISSOR-TAILED FLYCATCHER was at Santa Fe Dam in Irwindale from October 6-7.

TROPICAL KINGBIRDS were along the lower Los Angeles River in Long Beach (by the Willow Street crossing) through October 7, at Santa Fe Dam in Irwindale on October 6, at the West San Gabriel River Parkway Nature Trail in Lakewood on October 7, at El Dorado Park in Long Beach (Area 3 east of the lake) through October 10, on San Clemente Island from October 8-13 and at Wardlow Park in Long Beach on October 8.

A CHESTNUT-COLLARED LONGSPUR was in Griffith Park on October 8.

A GRASSHOPPER SPARROW was at the southernmost inlet on the south side of the lake at Bonelli Regional Park in San Dimas on October 9.

A BLACK-THROATED SPARROW was at Vina Vieja Park in Pasadena on October 7 as was a BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER.  A CLAY-COLORED SPARROW was here on October 9.

Other CLAY-COLORED SPARROWS were at Santa Fe Dam in Irwindale from October 6-9, at Bonelli Regional Park in San Dimas (two birds by the north shore playground area) on October 11, at LA Mirada Community Regional Park on October 11 and in Griffith Park near the Old Zoo area by Crystal Springs Drive on October 13.

A DARK-EYED “GRAY-HEADED” JUNCO was at Grassy Hollow in the east San Gabriel Mountains on October 9.

A WHITE-THROATED SPARROW was at the Chilao Visitor’s Center in the San Gabriel Mountains on October 9 and another was in Silverlake on October 13.

A SWAMP SPARROW continued at the south end of the lake at the Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Reserve in Van Nuys through October 9.

A GREEN-TAILED TOWHEE was at the West San Gabriel River Parkway Nature Trail in Lakewood from October 6-8.

A NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH was offshore southeast of Santa Catalina Island on October 9.

BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLERS were at Polliwog Park in Manhattan Beach through October 11, at Victory Park in Pasadena on October 7, at the West San Gabriel River Parkway Nature Trail in Lakewood on October 7, continuing at Madrona Marsh in Torrance through October 8, at Piute Ponds on Edwards AFB by Parking 1 from October 8-11, at Bonelli Regional Park in San Dimas (by the old closed north shore pier) through October 11, in Duarte at City of Hope on October 13 and on Santa Catalina Island on October 11.

Up to two TENNESSEE WARBLERS were on San Clemente Island from October 8-12.

A LUCY’S WARBLER was in Area 3 of El Dorado Park in Long Beach on October 8 and a BLACKPOLL WARBLER was present from October 8-9.

Both a CONNECTICUT WARBLER and a MOURNING WARBLER were on San Clemente Island on October 8.  A BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER was there on October 8 and a ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK was present from October 8-9.

AMERICAN REDSTARTS were on San Clemente Island from October 6-7, by the Rec Center at Silverlake Reservoir from October 11-13 and in the east Antelope Valley from October 12-13.

A MAGNOLIA WARBLER was on San Clemente Island on October 11.

Two CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLERS continued by Parking 1 at Piute Ponds on Edwards AFB (letter of permission required) through October 11 and a TENNESSEE WARBLER was present there on October 7.

Other CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLERS included a continuing bird at Lewis McAdams Riverfront Park near Atwater Village through October 8, one in Mar Vista on October 8 and one in Area 3 of El Dorado Park in Long Beach on October 9.

A PALM WARBLER was at Woodlawn Cemetery in Santa Monica on October 14 in the Eternal Meadow section in the north part of the cemetery.

A PINE WARBLER was at Santa Fe Dam in Irwindale on October 11 south of the boat launch and a CLAY-COLORED SPARROW was by Parking Lot 5.  By the dam outflow, a DICKCISSEL was found also on October 11.

A PRAIRIE WARBLER was on San Clemente Island on October 10.

A PAINTED REDSTART was in Brentwood by 1104 Wellsley Ave. from October 12-13.

A ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK was in Torrance on October 11.


For all events, field trips and announcements, please see our website at http://www.laaudubon.org

California Bird Records Committee (report rarities as appropriate on the rare bird report form):  http://www.californiabirds.org/

 Enter your bird sightings on eBird:  http://ebird.org/content/ebird