Rare Bird Alert - September 30, 2022


Pacific Golden-Plover | Common Tern | Masked / Nazca Booby | Brown Booby | Neotropic Cormorant | Yellow-crowned Night-Heron | Tropical Kingbird | Black-and-white Warbler | Tennessee Warbler | American Redstart | Magnolia Warbler | Blackburnian Warbler | Chestnut-sided Warbler | Black-throated Green Warbler | Summer Tanager | Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Dickcissel

This is the Los Angeles Rare Bird Alert for 30 September 2022.

The PACIFIC GOLDEN-PLOVER along lower Ballona Creek continued above the Pacific Ave. bridge through September 29.

A COMMON TERN was at Malibu Lagoon on September 24 and one was at the Piute Ponds on Edwards AFB (letter of permission required) from September 23-25.

A MASKED / NAZCA BOOBY and a BROWN BOOBY were in Los Angeles County waters east of San Clemente Island on September 25.

Another BROWN BOOBY was offshore in the Catalina Channel on September 25.

NEOTROPIC CORMORANTS including continuing birds along the Los Angeles River in Glendale (adjacent the Bette Davis Picnic Area) through September 29 and two in the Sepulveda Basin through September 25.  Another was at Bridgeport Lake in Valencia on September 24.

Up to four YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS continued at Ballona Lagoon in Marina del Rey through September 25.

A TROPICAL KINGBIRD continued east of the lake in Area 3 of El Dorado Park in Long Beach through September 27.

Another TROPICAL KINGBIRD continued along the lower Los Angeles River in Long Beach through September 27 by the Willow Street crossing.

BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLERS were at Peck Road Water Conservation Park in Arcadia (west of the parking area) on September 25, at Polliwog Park in Manhattan Beach (by the waterfall) from September 25-27, at Bonelli Regional Park in San Dimas (“picnic valley” area on the north side) on September 27 and at Recreation Park in Monrovia (between the baseball fields and volleyball courts) on September 29.

TENNESSEE WARBLERS were at Del Rey Lagoon in Playa del Rey on September 25 and at the Bette Davis Picnic Area in Glendale (walnut trees in the southeast section of the main park) from September 28-29.

AMERICAN REDSTARTS were at El Segundo Recreation Park (near the corner of Sheldon and Pine) from September 28-29 and at Heritage Park in Santa Fe Springs (in the Tongva Village area) on September 30.

A MAGNOLIA WARBLER was at Piute Ponds on Edwards AFB on September 30 at Parking 1.

A BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER was at Bonelli Regional Park in San Dimas from September 25-29 by the East Shore Fishing Area.

CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLERS were at Lewis McAdams Riverfront Park near Atwater Village from September 24-28, at Santa Fe Dam in Irwindale (northwest of parking area 5) on September 26 and at Mineral Wells Picnic Area in Griffith Park on September 29.

The BLACK-THROATED GREEN WARBLER at Lewis McAdams Riverfront Park near Atwater Village continued through September 25.

A SUMMER TANAGER was in Pasadena on September 23 and others were in Zuma Canyon on September 24 and at Prospect Park in Boyle Heights on September 25.

A ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK was at Polliwog Park in Manhattan Beach from September 25-27 in the native plant garden area.

A DICKCISSEL was on Santa Catalina Island on September 25.


For all events, field trips and announcements, please see our website at http://www.laaudubon.org

California Bird Records Committee (report rarities as appropriate on the rare bird report form):  http://www.californiabirds.org/

 Enter your bird sightings on eBird:  http://ebird.org/content/ebird