Wildlife Rehabilitation Resources
Although Los Angeles Audubon Society (LAAS) does not attempt the rescue or rehabilitation of birds and other wildlife, we have compiled this list of other organizations and resources to provide hotline telephone numbers and online links to those seeking to provide help to injured birds and wildlife; or to report conditions that endanger birds, wildlife and water resources.
TIP: Nestlings (featherless birds) that have fallen out of a tree can be replaced in their nest very safely. The mother bird will accept them. If you cannot find the nest, create one using a small box or margarine tub. Put holes in the bottom for drainage.
Bat Rescue (Rehabilitation of bats only), 858-679-0211
California Department Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), 888-334-2258,
California Wildlife Center - Injured or orphaned native wildlife (songbirds, coyotes, fawns, mammals, Emergencies 310-458-9453, Administration (advise and information) 818-222-2658.
CDFG Ecological Reserve Management Ballona Wetlands (Emergency Room), 310-371-0514
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) – Avian Influenza, 800-232-4636 (800-CDC-INFO)
Heal the Bay (CA only), 800-432-5229 (800-HEALBAY) or 310-451-1500,
Hummingbird Rescue - LA and Surrounding Communities, 310-804-3715, Terry Masear, Book "Fastest Things On Wings: Rescuing Birds in Hollywood" will release in June 2015.
International Bird Rescue Research Center (IBRRC) (Oiled birds, aquatic birds, seabirds), 310-514-2573 (or 2574)
Long Beach All Wildlife Rescue & Education, 562-434-0141
Long Beach Animal Hospital, 562-434-9966
Los Angeles City - Animal Services (Domestic or wild animal care in the City of Los Angeles), 888-452-7381
Los Angeles City – Bureau of Sanitation Stormwater Hotline (watershed protection, spills, abandoned waste), 800-974-9794
Los Angeles County - Dept. of Animal Care and Control (domestic or wild animal care in the County of Los Angeles), 310-523-9566
Los Angeles County - Dept. of Beaches and Harbors, 310-305-9591
Los Angeles County - Dept. of Health Services - Avian Influenza/Bird Flu Hotline, 800-427-8700
Los Angeles County - Dept. of Public Works - 83rd Street Yard, Flood Control, 323-776-7610
Los Angeles County - Flood Control Hotline (Dispatch) 800-675-4357
Los Angeles County, Greater - Vector Control Mosquito Control, 818-364-9589
Malibu, California Wildlife Center, 818-222-2658
Malibu, City of, 310-456-2489 x 275
Marina del Rey Harbor Patrol Hotline (LA County Sheriff's Department-Marina del Rey Station), 310-823-7762
Marine Mammal Care Center (Hospital for sick, injured, and orphaned seals and sea lions), 310-548-5677
Mission Viejo Critter Care of Orange County 949-380-8719
Oil Spill Response - Veterinarian 916-556-7509 (Pager, for oiled birds after hours.)
Oiled Wildlife Care Network (OWCN) (For oiled Birds too), 530-752-4167 (M-F 8am-5pm)
Palos Verdes, South Bay Wildlife Rehab, 310-378-9921
Pasadena Humane Society, 626-792-7151
Poway Bat Rescue – Bats only, 858-679-0211
Redondo Beach Harbor Patrol, 310-318-0632
San Pedro International Bird Rescue & Research Center (IBRRC), 310-514-2573
Santa Monica Baykeeper Hotline, 877-422-2627 310-394-6162
Santa Monica, City of, 310-458-8235
Simi Valley, Wildlife Care of Ventura County, 805-581-3911
South Bay Wildlife Rehab (SBWR) - Birds of prey, raptors, owls, songbirds, raccoons, squirrels, 310-378-9921
Squirrelmender Wildlife Rehabilitation (Sharron Baird): - small mammals, squirrels, mice, gophers, etc., 805-498-8653
Sunland Wildlife on Wheels, 818-951-3656
Thousand Oaks, Wildlife Care of Ventura County, 805-498-8653
US Coast Guard (local), 310-732-204,
US Coast Guard National Response Center, 800-424-8802
US Fish & Wildlife Service–Torrance Ofc. Administration, 310-328-1516
West Coast Oil Spill Hotline–CA Ofc Ofc. Emergency Service, 800-645-7911 (800-OILS-911)
West Nile Virus Hotline–CA Dept. Public Health - Help track the WNV by reporting dead birds or squirrels, 877-968-2473 (877-WNV-BIRD)
Wetlands & Wildlife Care Center of Orange County (WWCC), rehabilitate native wildlife 714-374-5587
Marine Animal Rescue - Whales, sea mammals, seals, sea lions, and sea birds, 800-399-4253 (800-39-WHALE)
Wildlife Emergency Services - serving LA, Santa Barbara, Ventura counties, 866-945-3911 (866-WILD-911
Wild Birds Unlimited (Torrance) - Bird seed, advice on where to take sick or injured birds, 310-326-2473
Wild Wings (Sherman Oaks) - Bird seed, advice on where to take sick or injured birds, (818) 995-0022
Wildlife Care Ventura County - Orphaned or injured wildlife (including squirrels), 805-498-2794
WildRescue (California hotline that connects you to a wildlife rescue organization near you), 866-WILD-911