Los Angeles Audubon Society

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Rare Bird Alert - November 18, 2022


Black Scoter | White-winged Scoter | Red-necked Grebe | American Golden-Plover | Mountain Plover | Lesser Black-backed Gull | Neotropic Cormorant | American Bittern | Yellow-crowned Night-Heron | Swainson’s Hawk | Zone-tailed Hawk | Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Tropical Kingbird | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher | SEDGE WREN | American Pipit (japonicus) | Red Crossbill | Lapland Longspur | White-throated Sparrow | Swamp Sparrow | Rusty Blackbird | Black-and-white Warbler | Northern Parula | Blackburnian Warbler | Summer Tanager

This is the Los Angeles Rare Bird Alert for 18 November 2022.

Two to three BLACK SCOTERS were off Dockweiler State Beach and El Segundo Beach from November 14-17 and a WHITE-WINGED SCOTER was there on November 17.

A RED-NECKED GREBE continued in the Malibu area- seen both by the pier and off Malibu Lagoon- through November 13.

An AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVER was at Malibu Lagoon on November 11.

Ten MOUNTAIN PLOVER were at the A&G Sod Farm in Lancaster on November 17.  The farm is located at 50th Street East and Ave. N.  This is private property, please bird from the road only.

A LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL continued at MacArthur Park in Los Angeles through November 14.

NEOTROPIC CORMORANTS were along the Los Angeles River in Glendale (adjacent the Bette Davis Picnic Area) through November 15, at the San Gabriel River / San Jose Creek confluence on November 12 and at Peck Road Water Conservation Park in Arcadia on November 13.

An AMERICAN BITTERN was at Ken Malloy Harbor Regional Park in Harbor City on November 18.

Up to four YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS continued at Ballona Lagoon in Marina del Rey through November 15.

SWAINSON’S HAWKS were in Pico Rivera on November 12 and in the Antelope Valley on November 14 near the California Aqueduct and 300th Street West.

ZONE-TAILED HAWKS were in Monrovia through November 16 in the vicinity of Greystone and Encinitas and Sycamore Grove Park in Highland Park on November 16.

A YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER was at Highridge Park in Rolling Hills Estates on November 13.

TROPICAL KINGBIRDS were by the golf course at Colorado Lagoon through November 13, below the dam at Ken Malloy Harbor Regional Park on November 12 and near the playground at Satellite Park in Cerritos on November 17

A SCISSOR-TAILED FLYCATCHER was along the lower Los Angeles River in Long Beach on November 18 near the pipe bridge below Willow Street.

A SEDGE WREN was at the Piute Ponds on Edwards AFB on November 14 just east of Duckbill Lake.  Note that a letter of permission is required to enter this area.

An AMERICAN PIPIT of the Asian subspecies japonicus returned to the Ferraro Soccer Fields in Glendale as of November 15 and was seen there through November 17.

A RED CROSSBILL was at Skytower Park in Lancaster on November 17.

A LAPLAND LONGSPUR continued in Griffith Park (Toyon Landfill- NOTE weekend access only) through November 13.  Three more were on San Clemente Island on November 16.

WHITE-THROATED SPARROWS were on the Palos Verdes Peninsula from November 13-14, at the Piute Ponds through November 14, at Entradero Park in Torrance on November 15 and at Polliwog Park in Manhattan Beach through November 17.  Two more were at Bonelli Regional Park in San Dimas on the small north shore pond through November 18.

A SWAMP SPARROW was at the southeast corner of Colorado Lagoon in Long Beach from November 12-13 and up to two were at Bonelli Regional Park in San Dimas (by the small north shore pond) through November 18.

A RUSTY BLACKBIRD was below the dam at Ken Malloy Harbor Regional Park from November 12-16.

Up to two BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLERS were at Bonelli Regional Park in San Dimas through November 17 by the north shore old pier.

The NORTHERN PARULA at Neff Park in La Mirada continued through November 12 east of the Neff House.

A BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER continued along Appian way at Alamitos Bay in pepper trees below 2nd Street through November 14.

SUMMER TANAGERS were at a residence on the Palos Verdes Peninsula from November 12-13, in Elysian Valley on November 13, at Stearns Champions Park in Long Beach on November 13, along the north shore at Bonelli Regional Park in San Dimas through November 17 and in Elysian Park on November 18.

CORRECTION- the “LARGE-BILLED” SAVANNAH SPARROW reported on last week’s RBA was ultimately identified as one of the more expected subspecies.


For all events, field trips and announcements, please see our website at http://www.laaudubon.org

California Bird Records Committee (report rarities as appropriate on the rare bird report form):  http://www.californiabirds.org/

 Enter your bird sightings on eBird:  http://ebird.org/content/ebird