Los Angeles Audubon Society

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Rare Bird Alert - September 29, 2023


TUNDRA BEAN-GOOSE | Pacific Golden-Plover | Dunlin | Sabine’s Gull | Common Tern | American Bittern | GREAT CRESTED FLYCATCHER | Eastern Phoebe | Pinyon Jay | Red-throated Pipit | Vesper Sparrow | Orchard Oriole | Black-and-white Warbler | Tennessee Warbler | Lucy’s Warbler | Virginia’s Warbler | American Redstart | Magnolia Warbler | Chestnut-sided Warbler | Blackpoll Warbler | Summer Tanager | Painted Bunting | Dickcissel

This is the Los Angeles Rare Bird Alert for September 29, 2023.

The TUNDRA BEAN-GOOSE continued on the north side of the Earvin Magic Johnson Recreation Area in Willowbrook through September 29.

The PACIFIC GOLDEN-PLOVER along lower Ballona Creek in Playa del Rey continued through September 25.  It has also been at the salt pan, both locations just upstream from the Pacific Ave. bridge.

A DUNLIN and an AMERICAN BITTERN were at the Piute Ponds on Edwards AFB (letter of permission required) on September 27.

Up to three SABINE’S GULLS were at the Piute Ponds from September 23-27.

COMMON TERNS included one at Bonelli Regional Park in San Dimas through September 24 and up to four at the Piute Ponds on Edwards AFB (letter of permission required) from September 22-27.

A GREAT CRESTED FLYCATCHER was at Loyola Marymount University in Westchester from September 23-24.

An EASTERN PHOEBE was at Descanso Gardens in La Canada on September 22 (Jeffrey Fenwick).

Ten PINYON JAYS were at the Piute Ponds on Edwards AFB on September 24.

A RED-THROATED PIPIT flew over Santa Fe Dam in Irwindale on September 24.  An ORCHARD ORIOLE was seen there briefly on September 24 west of parking lot 6.

A VESPER SPARROW was at Colorado Lagoon in Long Beach from September 26-27.

A BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER was in Signal Hill, Hilltop Park- North Side Trails, from September 24-25.  Another continued at Madrona Marsh in Torrance through September 26 and one was in Pacific Palisades at Rustic Canyon Rec. Center on September 29.

Another BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER and a BLACKPOLL WARBLER were at Creek Park in La Mirada on September 28 in the southern section of the park south of Imperial Highway.  A LUCY’S WARBLER continued at this location through September 28.

TENNESSEE WARBLERS were at Pt Fermin in San Pedro on September 23, on Santa Catalina Island on September 24 and in Pasadena from September 26-28.  Also on the Catalina Island on September 24 were a BLACKPOLL WARBLER and a SUMMER TANGER.

A VIRGINIA’S WARBLER continued in Signal Hill at Hilltop Park- North Side Trails through September 23.  Other VIRGINIA’S WARBLERS were at Santa Fe Dam in Irwindale on September 23 west of parking lot 6 and in Pasadena on September 26.

A VIRGINIA’S WARBLER and a BLACKPOLL WARBLER were at Hahamongna Watershed Park in Pasadena on September 23.

An AMERICAN REDSTART continued at the Piute Ponds on Edwards AFB through September 23.  Other AMERICAN REDSTARTS were at the UCLA Botanic Garden on September 22 and at Madrona Marsh in Torrance from September 26-27.

A MAGNOLIA WARBLER continued in Signal Hill at Hilltop Park- North Side Trails through September 24.

A BLACKPOLL WARBLER was in Area 3 of El Dorado Park in Long Beach on September 23.

A CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLER was at Madrona Marsh in Torrance on September 22.

SUMMER TANAGERS were at Ken Malloy Harbor Regional Park in Harbor City on September 23, at Loyola Marymount University in Westchester on September 23, along the San Gabriel River West Fork (off Highway 39 north of Azusa) on September 25 and at Wheeler Park in Claremont on September 27.

A PAINTED BUNTING was at Ken Malloy Harbor Regional Park in Harbor City on September 24.

A DICKCISSEL was at Santa Fe Dam in Irwindale on September 22 southwest of parking lot 6.


For all events, field trips and announcements, please see our website at http://www.laaudubon.org

California Bird Records Committee (report rarities as appropriate on the rare bird report form):  http://www.californiabirds.org/

 Enter your bird sightings on eBird:  http://ebird.org/content/ebird